In the Heart of Being
A spiritual journey into the heart of who we truly are
In this podcast we connect the spirit with the body. Nathalie works as a healer and therapist and in this podcast she consults the spirits, guides and counselors. She has been doing this for over 13 years and this connection has existed from the day she entered this world. The spirits, guides and counselors connect her to the layers of being, dimensions and the library of knowledge. Which she loves to share with you all.
Will you join us in our quest,
weaving the unknown into the known.
Music: jejero
Art work logo: Guru Khalsa Smit
31 episodes
A Tranquil heart, a new song of the spirits
A few episodes ago, I shared a song of the spirits. One of the listeners really liked it and then asked me if I would do it more often. And now it felt like the time to share with you a new song of the spirits

Exploring Our Shared Pathways; The Ties That Unite Us
On our shared paths as humans, it is important to be open and receptive to whatever situation comes your way. Being open to the experiences and guidance it brings, which helps to reconnect with your heart. Especially when awe enters your life.&...

Saying yes to life, embracing life's journey
Out of nowhere, the spirits and guides asked me a profound question Would I choose my life again with all its experiences? I answered immediately, without any hesitation. It's all about embracing every moment, both joyful and painf...

Moving Forward: Reviving inner echoes of forgotten wisdom
In this episode, we reveal how to navigate the world's chaos by integrating hidden opportunities and ancient wisdom into your life. Discover the importance of internal belief systems, recognizing spiritual markers, and stabilizers.

A Song for the Spirits: The Heart Speaks
In this episode I share a heartfelt message from the spirits, guides and counsellors. Whom asked me to sing for them, to find out that it calms my own heart. In this way they showed me that singing reconnects me to the spiritual wor...

Timelines, wich one will you choose?
In this episode, we explore the concept of multiple timelines. We are not stuck in just one timeline. We have options, opportunities to choose which path you and we as humanity want to take. Through a deeper understanding of the active ti...

The language we speak
Have you ever thought about the words you internally use? How this affects everything you see, hear and believe. Do you know of the power of your inner dialogue? Discover in this episode how the words we use shape our reality and ...

Intuition, sounds familair?
Intuition, we have all heard about it, some use it all the time and others try to find a way to become intuitive in it. In this episode, Me, the Spirits, Guides and Counsellors talk with Mariëtte Ruggenberg about intuitive insights, spiritual g...

Bravery an invitation to show up!
We linger and linger until something rises up inside. And suddenly we leave everything behind and dare to dive in, be brave and show ourselves. Showing ourselves to ourselves and then to others, where our spark fuels others to do the same...

Essence the core of all we are
The spirits, guides and the counselors proposed to talk about essence, and we did. Essence what does it mean? As they say essence is the core of everything we are, everything we believe in and everything we see. When we truly...

The Transformative Power of True Listening in Our Lives
The art of listening, what does it really mean? How can authentic listening change your everyday relationships? Listening is more than just hearing words, it is an acknowledgement, a way of saying, "I see you and you are important". Listening s...

A Q&A on Love, Spiritual living and much more...
Many questions came to us, thank you for that. Keep on sending them, we love to hear from you and what is on your mind. We could not answer all of them, so we selected a few and will adress the others in an other episode. That bein...

Desire an act of surrender
Desires we all have them, small or big. The mere thought of fulfilling a desire makes us expand immediately. However when a desire turns into a craving, the misery begins. Something that was once a miracle just by the idea, then immediately bec...

Layers of being, are you aware, conscious or both?
We as humans are moving towards a new way of relating to ourselves and the outside world. Being aware of yourself brings you into the I-consciousness, from there the We-consciousness arises. And when we connect in the we, the Being-consciousnes...

Being on the Road - Are you on the road?
We all want to leap forward, quicker than we can actually move. Being on the road means to be at ease wherever you are, enjoy the ride as they say. Even when you are in darkest times, it is like being in a rollercoaster, gong up an...

A Journey of the Soul, The Inner Calling
The one who has decided that this life is worthwhile To experience a new life on this amazingly beautiful planet. Our soul guides over and over again to new opportunities of growth and expansion. It gives us insight, it gives ...

The Childs mind, when did you feel like a child full of awe and wonder?
Nathalie:Today me and Disha are gonna talk about lightheartedness. Bringing the child back into your life. When we were children, we were not worried about everything in life. We were just We were doing what we were doing, and we wou...

Purpose, just waiting to be found in the corner of your eyes
We all search for purpose in our lives. However purpose is something that shows itself, in the corner of our eyes, when we are ready. It finds us, instead of us searching for it. The thing we need to do, is being attentive and let it unfo...

The ego, a burden or a blessing?
The one that develops when we are around 3 to 4 years old, and leaves us when we come close to departing this world. The ego always looks over your shoulder, it is the one that makes you, bigger, better or more important and at othe...

Inner Voice, by whom will you be led?
This little voice inside that always guides us in our lives. Letting us know, which road to follow. Which path to take. Do you listen to this voice or do you validate the voices of others as more true then your own? From the moment we become aw...

Which Sounds Lead You to Tranquility?
Sound is the first thing we hear when we are in the womb of our mother and the last thing that leaves when we let go of the body, to visit an other realm.The waves a sound makes, can create true healing.. Like the laughter of our mother...

Patience or impatience which one walks alongside you?
Impatience we all know very well. We want everything to speed up. In a way we believe by moving faster we surpass impatience . However patience comes when we release and let everything have its moment.As they say, for everything there i...

Are you harnessing the level of ease?
We all now epsisodes in our lives, when everything goes smoothe and how much we enjoy these times. Its like we are flying. On the other hand we all have been at the other side, when life around us is full of chaos and our innerself in turmoil. ...

Reflections Unveiled: Gazing into the Mirror of Your Soul
The mirror or the mirror. When we look close we will be amazed with what we see.The mirror of our won reflection or the mirror people show us. Give us the possibility to meet our soul, the true self. Invite yourself to look into your ow...

Kindness of the Heart, are you a seed of kindness?
Kindness of the heart is actually an unconscious deed guided by the heart. It is something we dont think of but just do. Our heart feels the calling of something our someone that needs kindness of heart. And then we act without thinking. <...