In the Heart of Being
A spiritual journey into the heart of who we truly are
In this podcast we connect the spirit with the body. Nathalie works as a healer and therapist and in this podcast she consults the spirits, guides and counselors. She has been doing this for over 13 years and this connection has existed from the day she entered this world. The spirits, guides and counselors connect her to the layers of being, dimensions and the library of knowledge. Which she loves to share with you all.
Will you join us in our quest,
weaving the unknown into the known.
Music: jejero
Art work logo: Guru Khalsa Smit
In the Heart of Being
The language we speak
Have you ever thought about the words you internally use? How this affects everything you see, hear and believe. Do you know of the power of your inner dialogue?
Discover in this episode how the words we use shape our reality and what happens when we learn to speak from the heart, the creation of a harmonious life. As we start to understand how certain words imprison us, while others liberate us, and when we reconnect with our heart, everything starts to move.
Will you join use in this journey of self-awareness and transformation.
Conscious Exspansion Program - 'Spirit in a body'
We talk about and work with the layers of the "I," "We," and "Being Consciousness," exploring what it truly means to be aware and conscious. This course is for anyone curious about diving deeper into their consciousness.
Join us www.nathalienevali.nl/tribe
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The Power of Language and Self-Talk
Today, me, the spirits, the guides and the counsellors are going to talk about the language we speak. They say it is a very important subject, because we rarely think about it, but the things we tell ourselves inside ourselves are so sometimes devastating, they say. And we don't ever realize it.
We use a lot of words, for example, never. And what I've noticed in my life when I use the word never, Not long after that, it becomes a reality. And most of the times when we, when we use the word never, it's something that we truly do not want in our lives. So I want to ask you to, to just listen to the words you use.
Which language are you speaking inside yourself? Which words do you use? And what is the outcome of that? And then, you also have to notice the words you use when you're with someone else.
Changing Negative Patterns
We have so many ideas which we Postulate into the world or which we tell to our friends or other people around us and they Make us feel a certain way so we can uplift ourselves by using certain words but we also can downgrade ourselves into the tiniest version of whoever we Could have been, you know, and um, when I was younger I had this language in which I would put myself down with almost everything I said, and the worst was the things I thought inside me, as in a way I never felt good enough, or, I always felt very insecure and I felt very lonely.
The words I use made me feel that I deserved the way I felt. And later on, I started noticing that the effect of the words I used inside myself. And slowly I started to change, not because, I believe that you always have to be positive because that's not what it is about, but, you know, there are many ways to say something and you have a lot of words that are more neutral in a way, not positive, not negative, but they're just, they can give a certain outcome.
Which is not good or bad, but it is an outcome. When I started realizing that most of the things that happened in my life, that I was the constant factor of everything that happened, I also realized that I was the one that could make the change. Not becoming by over, being overly positive, but becoming real and becoming honest.
And not making it, better or worse by using certain words. So do you even know which word you use often? For me, words as never and I must and I need and I want, you know, those were the words that, kept me in prison for a long time.
And the spirits tell me, and sometimes you still fall into the trap of them. I say, yes, I do, because the patterns are very deep. And most of the times they have to do with the experiences we had in our lives. The people we met, the places where we grew up, the schools we attended, the books we read, because it is all around us to look at ourselves in a certain way.
That is, something we need to overcome and to realize that everything we think becomes a reality. It's the same as if we watch a movie. It's, for us, it's real. It's not just a movie. Our whole body responds on the things. It sees, our eyes see, and the same is with the words. Even that we don't speak them out loud, inside we hear them, and it travels all the way down to cells.
So sometimes people find it very difficult to change, outcomes in their lives. And they try everything, they try to change it in the outside world. But it has to become from the inside world, and that has to do with the way you look at yourself. And most of the times it has to do with the way you talk to yourself, inside ourselves.
Because we all talk to ourselves. Even if we don't use the words out loud, we think in a certain way, and that creates a certain behavior. And the more we understand this, the more the behavior changes. Because when we start noticing the words we use often and how they reflect a certain feeling inside ourselves, then we can decide if it is something that uplifts us or puts us down.
That gives us the possibility to change it. And sometimes we don't know which way we would want to change it. But then you just tell yourself, this word I try not to use anymore, or how you want to say it to yourself.
The Language of the Heart
Yeah, yeah, the spirits always tell me, you people, you are the wrestlers, you know, if you would be more, your heart, life would become so much more easier.
And this is also something that if we do not know other words, even if you don't want to use the word. Must or never or not, but you haven't any clue of what, what to replace it with. Then in a way, if we reconnect with our heart, then it instantly comes to us how we would want to change it or how it would, um, uplift ourselves.
Because when the words inside ourselves uplift us, then it is like this whole chain reaction goes all the way into cells, and it starts activating, the true essence, the true identity, actually, of what's inside of us, and culture, and, civilizations, and, I don't know. Everything that has been put inside us, everything that we see, everything that we hear, just creates a certain language.
But when we Go back to the language of the heart, then we come close to ourselves, and then our true identity is the one that just comes forth. So when we start listening to the way and the words we use when we talk to ourselves or when we explain ourselves to someone else, Then we, we start to notice where we are speaking from the heart or where we are speaking from experience.
And sometimes it's good to have certain experience because then we know that this is not something that uplifts us in our lives, but it's something that puts us down or makes us feel bad. And with everything that we experience, there is growth if we can see it, but it doesn't mean that we have to do it over and over and over again because, you know, when do we learn?
Let's, let's say for now that if there's something to learn or if there is growth, that from now on you just have to do it once. And you will get the message because, you know, do it over and over again in a way creates disappointment because then we will start to believe inside ourselves and we will create words for, for dealing with certain situation.
Oh, this is the same as then, you know, and with an, Oh, this reminds me of when that happened in my life. And with that, we take all the, the whole energy of that experience to this point in our life. And we recreate the same thing. So, the language of the heart is an easy one. It just comes. It has no thought.
It just is. And when we get into the space of not knowing how to replace a certain word, a certain feeling, because it's not about replacing it. It's about opening up for the not knowing, because then the heart will step in. And when the heart steps in, the words just start flowing more easily and true to ourselves.
Path to Harmony and Peace
And the spirits tell me that they are becoming more confident that we as humans will find our way different than we did in the past. As they say, the path of harmony is opening up, which means that more people find their way back to their heart. I want to speak from this place. Where the words have true meaning, because, closer than this, in the body, we cannot come.
So, listen to the words you use, because they are so important. And when you open up to this not knowing, the words will spill out one after another.
And before you know it, we all start walking to peace. This is funny because I wanted to say the harmony and they were talking about peace. I said, so I got confused. And, uh, actually it's about, we all walk the path of harmony, the path of harmony. This will end up in peace. Because When those words that are putting us down become less and less and less and we open up to the language of the heart, then harmony is something that just comes with it.
Because for speaking from the heart, we become silent, at least our mind does. And when that happens, in a way duality starts to, ceases to exist and unity arises. And when unity comes, then peace is something that follows. For in unity, right or wrong is irrelevant. So they are very confident about this.
They say, we see the change happening. More and more, people walking the path of harmony, even if we don't see it yet in the outside world, inside, changes are happening. And we're that. . new language will be born.
Conclusion and Future Topics
Next time, me, the spirits, the guides and the counsellors.
We will talk about duality, growing older, common ground. There's still so many topics to cover. At first I would know which one would come next, but in a way we are freewheeling, the spirits, the guides and the counsellors and me. And then sometimes just this thing comes up that needs to be talked about.
And this is what we will do. But I still have two beautiful ones, like Duality and Growing Older. And um, they also want to be shared. So maybe, from now on, we will share a little bit more. Not every day. Once a week, perhaps, instead of once every two weeks. But, we will see what will happen. But for now I want to thank you all for listening.
And if you want to more, want to know more, you can connect with us on nathalienevelie. nl and on Instagram, in the heart of being. Thank you for listening. See you next time.