In the Heart of Being
A spiritual journey into the heart of who we truly are
In this podcast we connect the spirit with the body. Nathalie works as a healer and therapist and in this podcast she consults the spirits, guides and counselors. She has been doing this for over 13 years and this connection has existed from the day she entered this world. The spirits, guides and counselors connect her to the layers of being, dimensions and the library of knowledge. Which she loves to share with you all.
Will you join us in our quest,
weaving the unknown into the known.
Music: jejero
Art work logo: Guru Khalsa Smit
In the Heart of Being
Purpose, just waiting to be found in the corner of your eyes
We all search for purpose in our lives. However purpose is something that shows itself, in the corner of our eyes, when we are ready. It finds us, instead of us searching for it. The thing we need to do, is being attentive and let it unfold, piece by piece.
Are you ready to surrender to the true purpose. Which is calling you to step forward into the life that awaits you!
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Today, me and Disha are gonna talk about the purpose and the vision. And when we started, I said, yeah, but what is a vision? What is a vision anyway, you know? What is a vision? Most people say, I have a vision of the future. I know where I need to go.
But actually, that is not a vision. That's just an idea of the ego, just an idea of this is who I need to be in 10 years. I need to be this. The other day I met a client of mine on the streets and we were talking, she wants to have a different job and stuff like that. And I said, you know, when I would in the past when I would do different things, I would go for an interview and they would ask, okay, where do you see yourself in five years?
And it was like, well, I don't know. I don't know. I said, you know many things can happen in five years. And they said, but don't, you have like the path in front of you where you want to be in 10 years. I said, no. And then they would look at me like, okay, this is strange. And I thought, okay, I'm not going to work here because I don't want to think like that.
And most people, when they talk about the vision, this is the vision they have. Where do I see myself in five years, in 10 years, in 15 years? And sometimes people, when they come to me, I say when you do that, you just have like three options. You have the past, the present and the future. And from that you create because there's no heart in it. Just your mind. You think, this is my vision, this is where I need to go. But true visions just come from one moment to the next. You're riding your bicycle, you're sitting on the toilet, you're eating your meal, and it just comes. You just know, this is what I need to do. It's like someone handing you something, from one instant to the next. You feel it, you don't know how to get there, but you know, this is what I need to do. And then most people start planning. So when I want this, then I need to have those pieces in my life. But actually that's not the way it works. The vision came and now it starts. You need to pay attention to the world because it will guide you.
The vision came and told you, you need to do this.
So what you're saying, what I understood is that in a way, vision is not an active act of creation. would you say it's passive? it's It comes from a higher field, actually. So it's more, it comes to you in a space of receptivity. Either your dreams or when you are least expecting it. Yeah. An idea will come to you.
It's like a lot of scientists, when there's a new discovery or a new idea almost two or three people all over the world get the same. The window was open. Sometimes people tell me, I don't have that what you have. I say, but you never take the time. When you're running from one thing to the next, there's never space. And they try to throw something in, but you're already past it, and it fell off you. You know,like, the seed could not get into the ground. It just fell on the ground, and the water came, and it just disappeared.
That's interesting, because this reminds me of Something I was reading somewhere that all the ideas, all the possibilities already exist in the quantum field. And at any given point of time, those ideas are available to those who are open. And,an example of that would be perhaps that, for example you see a new app or something and you look at it and it's like, that exactly I thought about that. And I had this idea three years ago. Yeah. Well, you did, but you didn't do anything about it.
Exactly. so they're just waiting for someone to create it. And when you have certain interests, then, well, you are the one that they will throw it at, and then you receive it and you are like, Whoa, I'm going to do this. I don't know how, but I just feel it. I know this is what I need to do. I just know. And then you're like, okay. If this is what I need to do, then it will be arranged. So you also need a sense of trust. And then you will find out that you're walking down the street and then someone says something that you needed to hear like, Oh,yeah, oh, I can use this or you come at a store and you find a certain book, for example, exactly what you need for the next step.
For actually vision and purpose are connected because vision comes to you when you have certain qualities or certain interests and a certain life purpose.
Can you explain that a little bit? What kind of qualities?
Well, it's different for everyone. Actually, the qualities can be like, you understand, let me say it like this. You can read between the lines. For example, someone is telling you something and you just know. You're not telling me everything. This is what is underneath. Or you look at the world and you see how people behave a certain way and you see the outcome. So you have an overall view of things. And you tell it to others and they say like, uh, no,this is not going to happen. And then afterwards, like a couple of months or maybe years to say, you already saw this many years ago. And I say yes. I saw this. So we have different qualities. It's different for everyone.
You have a very open mind, for example, and you like, they tell me, you're like a grasshopper. You jump and you grass here and you grass there and, it's not a bad thing, but, and also like the cow has like six stomachs and you start digesting. You do, huh? And then this idea pops out. This is a quality of you. You are someone that can connect dots. Other people would not see, you know. They would just be like in one corner and they just try to do it there.
I see patterns everywhere.
So this is, this is a calling for you. Where it will lead you, We will see. And there comes the trust. There comes to trust because the purpose is out there and you started to digest and to read and see the patterns and stuff like that. And it will lead you to your purpose. We don't have to search for the purpose.
We just have to listen to the visions that are real, that are just waiting for us to open up and then it just comes in. But most of the times we think like oh, no, this is such a grand thing.We cannot do this. It's too big for just me. But you were the one that got the image
Like this Japanese man,, Emoto. I also know of another person that got the same idea, but he was too busy. He was also in sound healing and stuff like that. Jonathan Goldman he is called. And he got the same idea. But he had other things to do. And like a couple of months later, Emoto was also the one that started.
So it just waits. When there's a new opening and it's just for us to open up to this, This part of ourselves and that happens when we, in a way, we let go of the material world because the material world can be absorbing you totally, And if that's what you want to do in this life,
Be my guest. If you love to go out every night, if that is your sparkle, then that is your sparkle. Because most of the times people say like, no then you don't develop. We don't know. And it would be judgmental to say, like, oh, this person is going out every night. Perhaps it's just spreading light everywhere it goes.
I don't know. If some people want to experience that then that's fine. And others have a different kind of purpose. And that purpose comes from the heart. As I said, when we create in a material world, we have the past, the present and the future. But most of the times you have the past and the future and sometimes the present.
So you have three possibilities. But when we, we start to listen to the insights we have, the visions we see, then we get the possibilities of the heart and they are endless. They are endless possibilities and sometimes people when they are in a material world. They also have time and space as possibilities, but then they actually already moving to the heart.
Well, time and space is like we live in the third dimension. So we have the past, the present, and the future. But when you have time and space, you go in a way in the fifth. And when there's time and space, things dissolve. Then you come to the heart, but because the heart is endless, it has endless possibilities as it goes beyond everything we know.
It connects to the field we were talking about, that efficiency and the insight and the wisdom comes. When I talk, I don't think, I just talk. It comes from the heart. When I start thinking, the talking stops because there's interference. And when they have access to time and space, it's actually very interesting because it collapses. And then there's an opening. It's like a black hole.
Something I was reading about possibility in the quantum field. It can be, it's a wave. Or it's a frequency. It can change. It can become anything. So in time and space. And it depends where it moves. It depends on the receiver.It can go either way.
And for the people that are more in the past, the present and the future, it's more frequency. And for the ones that, that go beyond that, it becomes energy. And energy can become a frequency, but energy can also become something else. It just depends what needs to be done in a way. So we all came with a purpose. And sometimes people say but contribute to this world is very small.
You don't know even that we need, even if it is small, even if you have just a few friends or in a way a small life, you can be a gift to all of us. You're just sitting at your home and embracing the world as who you are, radiating from the heart or taking in all this knowledge. We forget that with everything we do, it goes up. So everything we do in our lives, even the ones in the material world, what they experience it becomes a part of the field and it can change again.
Energetic ripple.
so even if we have this minuscule life, it is a ripple in the field and perhaps like this very small life someone is living is actually the greatest teacher of all. We always want to be be famous in the world or, being the teacher, We want to be big. This is a tiny life, like there's a judgment to say it's a tiny life, but just to explain it, this small part of it can be the ripple we all need.
I feel that in the sense that, So we have a lot of people, for example, who work in the charity sector, like social workers. They might be working in small communities and the work that they are doing is affecting their community on a small scale. But the effect of that is felt in the sense that the people who live in those communities who are at the receiving end of it, when they experience such human generosity and goodwill, it changes something, hopefully, in their own behavior.
When they go out in wider communities, they start reflecting that. It's what we say, coming from certain experience.. And that can have its own ripple effect. Exactly.
In a way, even a small behavior or a gesture can have a big ripple effect. That we may not be around perhaps to see it. But it can have its reverberations going on for a long time.
That's why they always talk about the butterfly effect, you know? That something small that can happen in one part of the world can be having a big effect at the other one. The other day, someone told me a story about a man that developed a certain technique and he went to one of the places in America where there was a lot of violence and crime and poverty and drugs abuse.
And this man went into that neighborhood and he said normally a social worker would go with guards, because otherwise it would be too difficult or they would fear for their lives, but this man just went in. And he started talking with the children he saw and just talking from how is your day and stuff like that.
And on he started talking with their mothers. And took him a long time to introduce his technique. And then they gathered and they started talking about their lives and just sharing. Some women used crack like crystal meth, just really heavy, well, awful drugs, actually.
And they started to use it less and less and less until they stopped using it at all. And then they started to introduce it to different parts in different neighborhoods. And then these women, they went to another neighborhood and they started to teach the other women about this technique.
And when they were sitting in between them and they were telling their story, the women in the audience just started crying. We touch them because it is real. And this man just came in and without judgment, without thinking, Oh, they're going to kill me. No. He just went in there and said, I'm gonna see, I'm going to try to make a connection.
I'm going to try and make a connection. This is not something that came from the material world. This is something, this was a purpose. This was a purpose. And, with explaining his purpose to these women. They felt called and they went on. So these small things we see as small have so much effect on everyone around us.
And so we all have a purpose. Actually, one of my friends, he sometimes tells me, I'm not doing much with my life that has reasons. But I said, you know, he has many books. It's like a library in his home. And then when I read something and I call him and I said, I read about this and he said, I have a book about that.
This person wrote about it and they tell these things. So he lights up my life and I said, you have this treasure. You have that. And this is a big gift to our world. We all contribute in one way or another. And we all have purpose. We cannot see it, but we do. And when we have found our purpose, in a way, we live that for a while and then our time is up, our time is up.
If we find our true purpose and we share it with the world. Then we know we can leave the world and sometimes we don't, we just stay, but we know we have done what we needed to do.
Oh, that sounds like leaving with such satisfaction.
Yeah, a lot of peace and satisfaction. The story I told the other day of my father when he died, my father had a really big heart, but something really bad happened.
And, and he, in a way, he could not connect with that anymore, but before he died he started talking about what happened and he released it And then his love came back and he touched everyone with his love that was there So in the end he fulfilled his purpose and he left with peace and even that I would miss him I was not sad because I knew that was what he needed to do . So when it's true, when we leave the world and we have found our purpose And we live by it. Even if, if it's like what I told you with this friend and you see it, then you can let go. I say I am preparing for the next journey.
I have something coming up in mind. Living in the kind of noisy environment that we live in, to find our purpose, the first step is to let go of finding the purpose. And to let go and be at ease with it requires a certain kind of presence in the moment. What can we do in our daily life?
The first thing is you need to do is stop listening. Stop listening to the outside world, because I have women coming here and sometimes men in their twenties or in their thirties and say, I haven't found my purpose yet.
I need to be someone in this world. I say okay, wait a second. You already are. You don't have to become something you already are. Something, someone, and they say, yeah, but my friends this and my friends that. And I say they will get to this point later on in their lives.
Now it seems like they know it all. They follow the narrative that everyone does. They go to college or not, or they start working at the supermarket. Doesn't matter. They get a wife or a man or, or whatever. And they live the normal life. But most of them, when they become 40 or 50, they will start questioning.
And some say, but I need to know it now I say, no, no, because we cannot know it now. Because when we know it now, the purpose of life is over. Sounds heavy, huh?
And for some they find it when they're very young. But most, well, the children that come in now are different. But where I was going to actually was, listen to yourself. Listen to yourself and not to others. The other day we did the inner voice. Listen to yourself.
And it's not that you are always right. It's not about that. But when you listen to yourself, you allow yourself to make, good choices, bad choices. And you learn from that. You grow from that. But the world now is so busy. So busy that we are looking at the phones all the time, reading all the magazines, we need to have a good job and we have to exercise and we have to read and we have to do all those things.
And sometimes you just need to take a break. So I'm not going to do all those things at all. That's why when people, when they go on vacation in the first couple of days, they're still in it. And then after a while they out of it and then they feel. The silence and some get scared about it and then they fill up again.
But in this silence, the purpose can come. And do you know, there is actually one important thing, like you are already what you need to be. All other things are just things of this world, but you. are everything you need to be. You are complete. As like the sages say, we are all enlightened. We just forgot. But we are.
We have everything we need inside ourselves. But we start listening to the outside world. And we forget that we are the ones that know. We are the ones that allow ourselves to make mistakes. And sometimes we do that on purpose. Because then we understand how it is to see the other side, how to feel miserable, how to get out of it, how to, to grow and to step forward and to fall again. And then we get up again. It makes us resilient in a way. And it's all leading up to where we need to go, what we need to do.
Actually, for some, the desire to find a purpose early on in their life can actually inhibit them because when they get so focused on wanting to find it, they forget to live. In the moment and to experience what it is, because in the end that experience will lead them to the purpose.
I always say even the time is a strange thing, but there's a time, there's a momentum for everything. There's a momentum for everything. You know, when I was younger, I would try to work towards something. Never happened. And then just some people would just ask me for things. I would have let go of it. And then it just came.
So there is a momentum. And before that you are just allowed to live, to enjoy life. Because actually that is also one of the purposes of everyone here. Even if you have been born in a very difficult situation. It is for you to find the way, even if you cannot do anything in the outside world, but inside to enjoy life, to have a rich imagination, for example even if you're not allowed to go out, just to see what you have. To find
inner freedom. Inner freedom is the highest purpose of all.
Isn't that what Mandela found? In the prison.
So physically he was imprisoned, but, in the inner world he was free. He was free. And the people that are, some that ate on dead row, for example, they find this inside themselves. Because freedom is something we think is in the outside world, but it's something inside us.
And when we feel it inside us, and more people do, wars cease to exist. They cannot exist anymore. Because you need good and bad. You need duality. But when you find inner freedom It doesn't matter where you are, because you know, even if you would have to go to the other plane, you have found freedom, true freedom.
You have children and when they start walking, you say, Oh, go ahead. I am here. You give them a sense of trust, but it's a trust of this world. The other trust we were talking about in the other episodes is trust from the heart, like inner freedom is also.
The whole world can be in chaos, but you feel this inside and this is freedom And this is such a strong field if more people would feel inner freedom no matter where they are Look at Mandela. He changed He changed the apartheid in South Africa. And you have more people around the world who truly found this part.
Even when he was in prison, he already was changing because it's such a, a strong field/ Gandhi, for example, the same. And you have more people in this world that did something like that and also doing it now. And a freedom would be a beautiful one to talk about another time.