In the Heart of Being
A spiritual journey into the heart of who we truly are
In this podcast we connect the spirit with the body. Nathalie works as a healer and therapist and in this podcast she consults the spirits, guides and counselors. She has been doing this for over 13 years and this connection has existed from the day she entered this world. The spirits, guides and counselors connect her to the layers of being, dimensions and the library of knowledge. Which she loves to share with you all.
Will you join us in our quest,
weaving the unknown into the known.
Music: jejero
Art work logo: Guru Khalsa Smit
In the Heart of Being
Intuition, sounds familair?
Intuition, we have all heard about it, some use it all the time and others try to find a way to become intuitive in it. In this episode, Me, the Spirits, Guides and Counsellors talk with Mariëtte Ruggenberg about intuitive insights, spiritual guidance and connecting with deeper knowledge. We explore how these gifts manifest, our personal experiences and encourage listeners to open up to their own intuition and inner wisdom.
And above all to spark....
Want to know more about our geust - Mariëtte Ruggenberg
De upstarter
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So welcome. Thank you. Today, me and Mariette gonna to talk about, seeing more than we actually can explain. Yes. And it was a subject that she wanted to talk about because I asked her if she wanted to do the podcast with me today. And she said, yes, I would love that.
And I've met Mariette, I think about a year and a half ago. Yeah. She came to me through a friend. And then afterwards she asked me for her podcast and, and I had to think about that. And then after a while I said, yes, I would really love to do that.
And, she's a very bright, energetic person. And, in a way she always is like, see, she lights up the room everywhere she goes. And then I thought maybe it's nice to have one episode with her. So that's why I asked her today. So welcome.
Well, thank you. That's a beautiful introduction and I'm happy to be here and also to speak about this topic, like, having the gift of receiving information. In a way that we can't explain and, well, you are very powerful in that way, like, I don't know, you want to explain something about how you work.
Yeah, of course. I was talking to one of my friends and I told him about another friend of mine that I met a couple of years ago. She's Irish and she's nine months pregnant now. And I had the idea that she would, get into labor yesterday and then later that day she sent me a message that it started.
So I was like, Oh yes, I already knew. I told him about like five or ten days before the mother comes into a certain realm and always say like they're going to pick up the baby and the baby comes down. So in that time, I'm just like this space in between. And when I work, I'm also in that space in between.
And then he told me, he said, how do you know this? You don't have children. And I said in Dutch,
So I said something like, I know that I know, but I don't, I don't know that I know. Yeah. And this is actually what this is about. It is not about, thinking. So some people tell me, how does that work with you? I said, you have the same. We have those insights, but we rarely take notice of it. So it just comes to you.
It's like someone hands you it. And then if you start noticing it more and more and more. Then you can work with it. But I always say there are two, things to take into account. It is never like someone is telling you that you need to do something. And there is never an exchange, because then something is wrong.
It is always like it is, they're handing you information in a way and it's for you to work with it or not. I guess you have that in your work also.
Yeah. You can call it intuition or you can call it like a , psychic gift. I guess when you work as a coach or a therapist most of us have this intuition or most of us have this gift, this psychic gift.
But for me it's very interesting, like, how do you work with it and what is true from what you receive and what isn't true? I think we all have this desire in ourself that somebody tells us exactly what we need to do. Like we have a problem and we would love to go to a person that says like, Oh, well, let me check in with the spirits or let me check in with God or, whatever the person calls that energy.
And I will have the answer. So in this situation, you can go from A to B in this way. And we all have the desire to be guided, to have certainty. And with having intuition or a psychic gift, sometimes you have the feeling because it comes to you in such a magical way that it has to be the truth and that you, have to follow that direction.
And that is something which I think it's good to have a conversation about, like how to interpret those information and what to do with it.
Well, I've learned over time, actually, that things , became true. That's how I learned, because in the beginning I would not listen. And then they would tell me, because they never tell you that I need to do this, or I need to do that, but they would tell me that.
that I needed to go a different way. Take another corner, another street or something. And then I would not do that because I said, yeah, well, I, I dunno. I'm in a hurry, . I need to get somewhere. And then something would happen. Something that I did not like.
And I started noticing that more and more and more. And also if I, sometimes I get an insight and say, no, no, no, no, I, no, I don't believe that. And then they leave it , and then after a while they give it again. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. And they do it again. So I've noticed over time that if I get some, some information about three times, also when I work with someone, sometimes you see certain things you don't want to talk about.
People that had sexual assault for example, but when you work with them and also when you work with the body you feel certain things, you know, and sometimes you see images and I'm always very Precautious with that because you sometimes people don't even know anymore You don't want to stare something that is not ready to you to awaken And then I always go a little bit around it and when they keep on going Giving it to me.
I said, I don't know. I said, I have a strange feeling here, or I get this, this image that I cannot truly explain. And then I tell them. And then they say, Can you see that?
And I said, Yes, I can. Yeah, so in that way you also get the truth, but I had another client coming to me And then I said, I feel a lot of anger with you And she said no, this is not true And I said, okay, then i've said I I didn't see it.
I'm not going to convince you because no if you feel it is not right for you Then it is not right for you. I'm not telling you. This is the truth You always need to feel for yourself And Everywhere you go. If someone is about to tell you, this is the way it is, then actually we say, get up and get out.
Because then someone is trying to force upon something that truly isn't you. It is always for you to say, okay, she has told me this, , how does it make me feel?
And in our heart, we always know. Yeah. So our heart is the one that is guiding us. So if you go to someone and he tells you something and you are like, hmm, I don't know if this is true. You ask your heart, is it true? And most people say, I cannot feel it. I say, you don't even try.
People don't, most people don't even try. So. Yeah. And it is also, I was thinking about it. I always have my insights on my bicycle and on the toilet. I also have insights on the toilet always.
Yeah. It's a good, good place.
Good place because you know, most people don't want to go with you there. No. So there you have your time by yourself. True.
But I was on the bicycle and I was thinking about the subject you were going to talk about today. And I thought you have always have like three, three places in the world where a new idea pops up.
So when humanity is ready for a new, step in consciousness, a new growth, then they're just waiting, you know, which one has an open, crown chakra in a way, which had this open and they're just, you're just waiting and then they throw it in. So where does it all come from?
Yeah, we don't know. We don't know. No, no. And what I think is beautiful about your approach is that you like, when you give sessions and you receive this information, you just, yeah, see it as an assumption. Like, okay, this is what I feel. And is that aligned with your truth. And I think that's really powerful, from the way you work, because then you give the power to the client and the wisdom to the client and he or she can just recognize, Oh, this or that.
And I think that's also, you can compare that also to family constellations. I work with family constellation. I have a company called the upstarter and I give, I teach people how to be a family constellation coach. Or work with this. But this for me, that's also that you open yourself up for information from the field.
What is the field? You open yourself up for information and you receive certain information. And then the whole constellation, somebody is representing your mother or father or brother, and they have received information that feels very true and correct. And how I always explain what happens there. The information the persons are receiving for you, you call them like
The people who are in the field for you, working for you, like they receive information and I always explain it in a way that this is. You're the client. This is everything. All the information we receive is how the client is experiencing his family dynamics.
I also believe because I did a couple of myself, but I also believe that, , I, how I felt it when I when I had one of my subjects, brought in or I was watching the others is that things pop out. that people did not know.
Yes. Also, but for me, I say that they're subconscious. So those resonators, that's the, the word for the representation. The people who are in the field are resonators. So they resonate with a certain truth. And for me, it's really nice to see it and perceive it at a way like the client, this is the truth of the client There is conscious information and subconscious information that comes to the field, it comes to the surface.
And that's how I love to perceive it. Because if you see it as an objective truth, then that's perfectly fine, but this is my point of view. Like if you see it as an objective truth, then it feels stuck, you know? But when you see it in a way that, okay, this is what the client now feels about his family dynamics, then it's more fluid than you can just work with, Oh, this is your experience.
How do you feel about it? Well, you can express certain emotions that maybe were stuck. Or you can maybe have another way of relating towards your family members in a way that feels better for you. So the way you work in your sessions, just because you see images or you receive certain information or sentences, it's for me the same.
You can compare it to family constellations because you make things visual for clients. You say, how do you feel? with this? Or how do you feel with that? And then you have a different kind of conversation. And I think that's super interesting.
When you pose it like this is how it is, you know, sometimes when we talk about, asking questions, I said, when you say, I believe, or for me, then you just kill the conversation instantly.
But if you would say like, yeah, for me, I, I noticed this and that, how it happened, how is it for you? for you, then you just open it up and someone comes and said, I get this information. How does that feel for you? Do you recognize it or, or, and then they are like, wow, I need to think about or I need to feel about it because then something happens, It is always subjective, because the truth is, we all have a piece of it, and together we make it one.
So I have a part, and you have a part, and all the people that are coming to you, and the ones that are coming to me. Because when we meet, those two pieces are approaching each other in a way. Mm hmm. And then, yeah, that's how they say, this is interesting how they show me.
Then a sparkle can come and in the end it can become bigger than it was before, you know, but it's not by telling the other, this is the way it is. So in one of the other episodes is about the art of listening. And there I tell about a friend of mine that he likes discussions.
I don't like discussions because then this disappears.
Then you don't have this connected wisdom and connected wisdom, like it's expanse. But if you have a discussion, then it's your truth or their truth and then it's not expanding.
And another thing I was thinking about is that most people find it a bit of a scary subject. Yes, we talked about that definitely because where does it come from? And sometimes people come to me and they are like, Oh, then you can see right through me. That's what they say. I said, but I don't do that.
I'm going to work with what you show me and perhaps you show me something I do not know. I'm just going to see.
Nathalie: And I have one friend and she always knows. And then she says, Natalie, this and this. I don't know why I know, but I know. And she's always right. But she's not spiritual at all. But she just knows.
So we all have this quality. And life would be so much easier if we would allow ourselves to, to let this quality develop more and more. And I believe in your work. You also do that. You try to teach the people that they learn to listen to themselves, to their intuition. Yeah. They have their own knowledge, their own,
the wisdom from the heart.
Yeah. And their own spark. They are talking, I don't know why they are talking, they are talking about sparks because in a way, when we spark, we, oh, that's a beautiful sentence. We enlighten up our being.
It's nice that they're always around.
They're always around. But we all have spirits. Yeah. We all have spirits and, and Anouk, asked me, what are the spirits? The other day she asked me, and I said, the spirits are the ones that, that were you in the lives before.
That's a beautiful way of seeing it.
And that's why I said we, we all have them. So sometimes we have knowledge that we do not understand, that we don't get from the field, but that is inside of us. Like that I don't know where it comes from like yeah, but yeah, but we know yeah, we truly know we feel it We it's in everything and all our cells and it is from the spirits and the spirits are the ones that we used to be in our past So there's a lot of knowledge behind us.
Yeah I always look up when I talk to the spirits because for my, if someone doesn't ask me questions about it it's a normal thing. But then when she did, I said, Oh, so we all have them. Some people tell me I am not like you, in a way, yeah. But we all have spirits.
And we all have this psychic abilities. So what I love, love about you is that you just normalize it. So when, when you go to a session of you, then it's just like, we are having this conversation and then sometimes you look up, Oh yeah, they're saying this and they're saying that. It's for me, that is, I love it.
It's just like being in a movie of Matrix and going to the Oracle, you know, it's just, We all sense and we all know that there's another dimension or that there is something beyond what we can, comprehend. And it's really nice if you just allow yourself to connect with that and just trust by just listening and listening.
And feeling because we can, we get messages or we get images and maybe we don't understand them at first hand. But if you sit with it for a longer while, then they start to make sense. So I think it's really nice that you normalize it and that you say, we all have this gift. Just open yourself up for it.
Don't ignore it. But what you did in the past, it's just let it in.
And the thing is like, Now it's getting closer and closer and closer, this is what they show me, like they always talk about, yeah, certain people, not everyone, about, multi facet, personalities, dimensions. So actually what that means is that all what we have been will be, and some people can already in a way, you know, feel behind them the lives they had and the knowledge that they, have.
How do you say that? That they developed in a way, or that they found in the lives they had. And it's becoming one, so they talk about multidimensional being, so becoming more multidimensional beings. That's why we have knowledge that we cannot explain.
I think it's beautiful that you're saying this because like I was 12 years when I first had, I don't know, these images and insights from my past previous life, past life, but I was raised as a Christian.
And so I was like, okay. Those are interesting fantasies, which feel very real and they feel like a memory. But I just couldn't like, I couldn't really understand what I was seeing or perceiving or feeling. And then I was 12 years old. I was in secondary school, like high school, the first class of high school.
And then they explained about Buddhism and Hinduism and about. Past lives. And it was the first time I understood like, those are past lives. But I have never heard of past lives up until that point. For me again, what is true? Like does post life, do they really exist or yes or no? Well, I don't freaking care.
No, I don't freaking care.
Some people, if they don't want to believe it, that is fine. You know? Yeah. If they want to life their lives the way they do is also fine. But for me, that feels. Truth. Yeah.
For me as well. And it was empowering for me. So they, they showed me lies where I had developed certain strengths or wisdom or abilities.
Also live our lives where I made mistakes and what kind of mistakes and what were the important lessons. So just by accessing those. past lives and those stories, I just felt empowered and I felt I was growing in wisdom and I was growing like what you say with this, those sparks, like that my light was expanding and that felt really, really good.
So whether or not you believe A past life is true or not, I don't freaking care. It's just like, I always try to, to feel what works for me and by connecting with those stories and those past lives, I felt I was growing. So for me it worked.
And the way they show it to me is like rocks, bumping up to each other, like, yeah. And then you get like, when you would want to make fire, you do that also, you know, and then you get this spot. That's it. Like this, this tension that comes in between makes us, uplift again. And that's how we grow and how we grow and how we grow. And it feels sometimes magical for me. I don't know how that is for you.
But for me, it feels magical that there's such a, there's so much more.
You went through like this, rough time. Okay. Yeah. That's not so magical. Out of it. And you're like, Oh, okay. And then you feel the expansion. So I, I don't. And you know, a lot of people say, yeah, you need to learn that lesson. I, I don't, I never talk about learning.
I believe in growing and expansion. And when you feel the expansion again and then you have the overall fuel, you say, Oh, I understand. This is why it happened in my life.
You know, this is why I needed to get through this, this in a way hardship. But what is hardship? Because in our personality, we always believe that we have difficult times, all of us believe that.
Yeah. And then one moment everything falls still and you feel that none of this hardship is true, but only in the back corner of your mind, they tell me.
So a lot of our problems are in our mentality, the way we see things, think about things, talk about things in our head. But the moment we feel ourselves again, when we feel our body, we expand and then we get the insights.
Because that's, that's the only, for me, I don't know how that is for you, but when I do that, Then it instantly expands and they're like, just, Oh, there she is. And they throw a lot of things inside and like, Oh, I just need to do that. And, oh, I just need to go and do this. And then I see it moving again.
Yeah. I understand what you're saying for me. Like when I go to true, challenging time, it really feels. Real. And it feels really challenging at the moment. But when I come into a state of acceptance that this is what is now present in my life and I don't fight it, then suddenly there comes space.
So it becomes more spacious. So then I feel like, okay, I say yes to this experience I'm having right now. And I say yes that I'm probably capable of handling it. And then suddenly it feels more spacious and I suddenly see possibilities because I'm not fighting what is happening to me, but I'm accepting what is happening to me.
And sometimes it just takes a while to get to acceptance. And you need to also, give yourself the time, to get until that point. But when I feel acceptance towards my situation, then I also feel like, okay, but then I developed this power. And if I'm not fighting my situation, what is possible within the box I am right now.
And then you see all kinds of opportunities. So maybe that's also what you try to say in a different way.
Yeah. But most of the times for me, the thing to get out of the misery I feel I'm in, is I always, then I say, don't take yourself so serious.
Oh, that helps so much.
And then I need to laugh about myself. Yeah. Yeah. I think, look at what you have. Yeah. Look at what you have. Of course you can always think I need this in my life and I need that in my life. But what we truly need are actually very small things. To be touched by nature by the people around you. Yeah, I feel the gratitude that that every day until now We have awoken Yeah.
Open our eyes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They are, they are making fun. They say, well, the true awakening still has to come yet. I know for all of us, right? Almost everyone. They say. Yeah. Almost everyone. But still, it is a gift. You know, and if you would, for all of us, if we would just spend time to sit with ourselves and to listen what is inside of us, then those gifts we are talking about open more and more.
It's not science, it's not difficult, it's natural.
It's natural. I think that's a beautiful way of putting it. It's natural. And for me, it feels like when I open myself up for psychic abilities or intuition, then it feels like there are more possibilities and there's more support in a way or life gets more meaning.
So even when times are tough, that there's always a voice. That says, let's laugh about it, don't take yourself too seriously, or this is how life goes.
Go read a book. Go. Yeah. Feel better. Listen to that song. You always love.
Or just surrender to the not knowing or surrender to that. It's dark at this moment and you know, or believe that there will be light again. So it are those kind of main wisdom.
And there are times that, that it is in a way you surrender to the dark and sometimes you surrender to the light, but sometimes I believe that when I am in the middle of a both, it doesn't matter that they both exist.
So when I'm taking myself too seriously and I laugh about it, I take myself out of both situations. And then, then it doesn't matter which way it goes because what I am and what you are is a constant. And I believe that we are moving to this constant with all of us. Even sometimes people tell me, how can you say that?
I said, yeah, I even believe that that peace is coming in our way. And I say I, I can't, I don't understand that you say that. I say it, but I, I, I see it. I feel it. I cannot explain how and why and when, but I see it happening because we are moving towards our core and then all those lives are just coming in, coming in, and we expand, understand, we know, and then actually.
In a way, duality is our biggest teacher in our lives. So we can be miserable for the rest of our lives, or we can be joyful for the rest of our lives. But both actually, are a prison. Yeah, because the one you want to get rid of and the other one you don't want to lose.
Yeah, so then you're also a prisoner Because you're attached Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah but it is it is an A bumpy road,
life you mean? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, life is a very, very bumpy road. And I think when things are bumpy and when things are rough, then fate helps. And I think when you open up to. Whatever you wanna call it, like psychic gifts, intuition, god, universe. But if you open up to like, okay, there's a certain intelligence which is larger than me, there is a collective field, and if I connect my wisdom to the wisdom of others, sometimes I can collect more pieces of the puzzle and they will be helpful.
So, what I love about like, you can go to a coach and you can have a good conversation and you can gain new insights. You can go to a medium, have a good conversation with the spirits around and with images and things and you have a different kind of conversation and you get different kind of insights.
You can also go to some body worker, or acupuncture. and gain new insights from your body. So for me, it's just like, life is a constant puzzle. And when you seek for wisdom, you can seek for wisdom in many ways. You can even have wisdom when you're dancing in a club or sitting on the toilet, but you mentioned before, but just, I think it's just open.
It's about opening yourself up to receive wisdom and then to, to feel what is true for me in this moment. And then maybe find some faith or strength or trust that you can overcome your challenges or that you are at the right path, walking the right path in your life. Maybe it's also about that.
Well, in a way, like, the higher, the higher, whatever you want to call it, is always the one that wants to guide us in the lives we have. And if you are a believer in God or if you talk to the spirits or your higher self, it's always the one that is moving you towards someone else or something in life that gives you the possibility to become more of who you are.
Yeah. So, and then sometimes you go for a massage, then you go to a coach, then you read a book, then you listen to a song, then you go dancing, then you sit on your mat, then you go, I don't know, boxing, whatever you love.
I have a funny story. I was, on my bicycle as always, and, I was, standing on the bridge close to the Amstel Hotel.
And we were waiting because the bridge was about to open. And then this man came and, he had this really heavy, loud rock music. And I was standing there and I thought, it's interesting. And he had a certain energy with him And so I looked and I said and I was listening to this song and I thought This is interesting.
What would he love about it? Instead of thinking how annoying What would you love about it? So I was listening to it and I was like, oh, okay I can hear this and that and then he feels that he likes that and then after a while he changed the music And then this beautiful voice of a woman started singing.And I turned around and I said, this is really beautiful. And he looked at me. He was surprised that even someone would talk to him in a way.
I said, who is it? And he said, yeah, this and that. I said, I really like it. And he was like, he felt a little bit discomfort. I saw it. And, so yeah. Even that we sometimes think that something that is annoying, if we really truly start listening, in a way we understand why others need it to overcome something.
I think it's beautiful.
So we also learn through other people.
Yeah. I think it's beautiful. I think that's really something that you live and breathe and embody to stay curious, to stay open. it can be for information through spirits, God, or just a guy on the streets who's looking like a criminal and playing music.
But like, yeah, there are so, if you are so open to life, then life really can take you Nourish you. Yeah. And I think that's beautiful about your work and what you want to give to people every time. Like we had a couple of sessions together and every time when I step into your beautiful space with all those plants around rocks and crystals, I feel like you really want to nurture and nourish, you know, that you open yourself up to give the person the best.
And I think that's really, yeah, it makes me smile.
I sometimes think if maybe I should do something else and yeah, I do, I sometimes think about that. Maybe I should do something else and then sometimes it gets a little bit quiet and then I get a little bit on a nerve, not because of that it is quiet, but I love working with people.
I really, I am, I want to know, who they are, where they came from, how they see life because in every encounter, wherever you are, with everyone. You share wisdom. Yeah. And I was listening to someone who said, yeah, I sometimes feel like I'm going somewhere and I feel like I'm not fitting in. And I had to think about that.
And I said, yeah, but then Making a connection starts with yourself, wherever you go and sometimes you can connect with someone, truly on all levels and sometimes you just have a connection for a second, but it is about to see. So I would always, if I would go somewhere, a certain place to go for a drink.
And then I would think, how can I meet you? Where can I meet you? Because there's always something that we have in common. It doesn't matter how different you are, but we just came here the same way. Both naked. We leave the same way. Some people get burned with their clothes, but that's what they tell us.
Perhaps they just take it off. We don't know. So we all came in the same way. We call it, we all came in with this spark. And then one of my friends, she had this webinar and I didn't know she, she told us that now they see, they have seen that when a sperm and an egg, what was it called?
An egg.
Yeah. Yeah. They have a different word for it. But when they come together, there's a spark.
Ah, that's beautiful.
And that's, and this is what we are. We all are this spark of life. And that's how we came in. So we have so much more in common than we have differences in our lives.
Definitely. If you open up to it, you can feel the spark.
You can feel the spark. And with going back to the intuition, if you allow yourself to listen to what is truly in your heart, then life will always guide you.
Definitely. It's beautiful. Thank you very much.
Wherever you Go.
Next time, me, the spirits, the guides, and the counselors are going to talk about common ground. Or perhaps the language we speak, evolvement or growing older, duality. There are so many topics that we want to talk about and want to share with you. And for the last couple of months it has been a little bit quiet.
But this is always with intuition or with inspiration. Things need their time to, you know, as they say, to cook. And then they can be served. So this feels as the time to serve the new recipes with all of you. In the meantime, you can connect with us on nathalienevali nl or on Instagram in the heart of being.
Thank you for listening. See you next time.