In the Heart of Being

Layers of being, are you aware, conscious or both?

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We as humans are moving towards a new way of relating to ourselves and the outside world. Being aware of yourself brings you into the I-consciousness, from there the We-consciousness arises. And when we connect in the we, the Being-consciousness is all there is, and ever will be.

This time, our time is the time of great change. We are evolving into beings with a different consciousness. We will truly see for the first time, everything will come alive. And being one all together is something that lies ahead of us

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Conscious Exspansion Program - 'Spirit in a body'
We talk about and work with the layers of the "I," "We," and "Being Consciousness," exploring what it truly means to be aware and conscious. This course is for anyone curious about diving deeper into their consciousness.
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So welcome. Today me and Anouk are going to talk about the layers of being. And Anouk is a very dear friend. She is always someone that sees all sides of something that is happening. And then she surprises me, you know, because sometimes you have a certain way of looking at things. And then she says, but you know, this person, and I have another friend that also does that, she gives me like another insight that I didn't think of, which I really enjoy.

And she has a very, oh, interesting, courageous heart so Anouk, welcome.

Thank you.

And she proposed to talk about, uh, the layers of being, because that is something that I introduced during the, the intro of the podcast. And actually I told her that I want to make a program about it, about the different layers of being.

And the spirits told me one day there are like seven layers, but for now the first three are accessible in the world we live in today. And in the other day in the episode of the soul, I already introduced three of them. I talked about the I consciousness, the we consciousness, and I don't know if I talked about the being consciousness, and actually the podcast is about the being consciousness.

And the I consciousness is something that it links to something else, another subject that we wanted to discuss, actually, is about being in this world, but not of it, as they say in the courses of miracle. And the I consciousness is that you, understand that you are part of the whole, and with that also a unity on your own.

So this is the Iconsciousness and with the we consciousness, we start to understand that we are the I consciousness connected to the unity of everything that exists. So then we become the unity of the world or the unity in the cosmos. And the being consciousness is actually that is the thing that is above all. You could say, 

They say where we meet the soul and dissolve into nothing. So that is like the being consciousness. And there are a few people in the world that actually are already experiencing this being consciousness. But for most of us, we are moving to the I consciousness that we understand that we are a unity inside ourselves.

And from that we connect to the world. And when we do, our personality is the one that actually steps Uh, back and introduces an other part, a unity that exists inside our heart. And then all the things that we see in this world, which we, uh, which we do not like. And it's interesting because the things we do not like become very big in our lives.

They are just there. And with observing that they are just there, they will start to dissolve. Because us not liking the things we see, um, It has an effect in the way that we just hold it in our hand, you understand what I'm saying?

Yes, but it's quite a lot. 'cause you talk about three layers of being, and now you're talking about consciousness. But those are intertwined. They are, yes. Um, I was quite, so we're talking now about the I consciousness, which makes you realize that you are a unity in the bigger whole. And you also mention. The things we do not like. Is that where we meet the boundaries of our own unity or what's the space between our unity and the bigger whole and how I'm a bit

Well, with the things we, you know, we cannot be in the I consciousness if we observe the world with things we do not like. When this is still is a part of you, it's always about, it's not that you don't act anymore. But when you act from a place of the I consciousness, then you sometimes understand that the bad precedes the good.


So the things we see in the world today, is the other thing you wanted to talk about. The things we see in the world today has to do with the things we do not want to see. And there's something that is just like this bubbles that are coming up. And when I was on my bicycle riding here, I was just thinking about it, that this bubbles are starting bursting and last night I had a dream and in this dream in the morning I always say you get the insights just before you wake up So start noticing all, because it's very interesting, but sometimes you get a song sometimes you get an image But sometimes you just take the last part of the dream and last night.

I had this dream and I was, I don't know. I had, I think, a different practice space than I have now, and it was an open space in between. And then I walked through an, office and I wanted to ask someone something. And this person was on the phone and I said, Oh no, nevermind. So I went to another door and this person said, I have nothing to say to you. 

So, I had to laugh. I think, okay, nevermind. So I walked a little bit further and then there was a woman and she took me by the arm and she said, come and she showed me around. And then there was like this really long table and there were like other people sitting in front of me and it was a woman sitting next to me and we were talking about 2024, this year.

And it was interesting because I had like all this cookies, but also just beautiful, cake I made. And it looked delicious, really delicious. And I said, Oh, eat something, you know, and they took. pieces that were underneath.

Cookies I did not see. I thought, oh, I did not see that one. That looks very, you know, I would love to


And then they looked at the cake.: And I said, yeah, this looks very, very tasty. Very good. And I said, okay, we're going to share a piece. And I made three pieces, but I left a large piece for myself. This has another message for me.

And then I start talking about 2024 and with the other women next to me and the two in front of me, because it was only women. We, I was talking about the things that are about to happen, the things that are moving up in the world. And the funniest thing is that even that it looks the way it looks now is that peace is more close than it has ever been.

And so I was talking about, well, I don't know what I saw anymore, but I just remembered that. And then I was sitting on a bicycle and I saw like this bubbles coming up. And when they come to the surface, they do like, you know, that's underwater. It's like that. Then they come to the surface and it just burst open and I said, this is about to happen. So In astrology for some it's, it's the most amazing year and this has really to do with being with yourself.with everything we see, with everything that happens in and outside is being with yourself.

And with that, that being with yourself, you just jump over the gap that normally is in between the personality and the feeling of being unified, being in unity.So the gap you're talking about, the more you observe the world from the, yeah. I don't know. Oh, it's

the heart.

yeah, they say the entity you are, I rarely use that word. more from the core of the heart, the entity, the light, from there, the being comes into the world. It's the first step of the being and the being is the I and the we united. 

So first you take all the energy back and come towards yourself. And from there, everything that you did not resolve yet will pop up. They are like this bubbles. And I always say like when it comes up, try to see it because when you do, then it will leave you forever. Because this is what it wants. It just, when it is bubbling, bubbling, bubbling, bubbling, it wants to leave you. 

So, when you And this, this time of the year, especially in this part of the world, because not only people of this part of the world are listening to the podcast, but in winter time, we used to took time just to be with who we are and just go inside the darkness is most of the time people talk about, Oh, the darkness, but the darkness is something that just pushes everything out and you are the light. And we forget about that. So we become afraid of the darkness. But when we look into the cosmos and we see, we see this blue black sky. And sometimes at certain places there are not many stars, but you just feel like you're being embraced by it. This is also, this is the being. That's the being.

So sometimes I have people on my table

Anouk: me, That's the being consciousness

The being consciousness that permeates everything. That is everything that was and will ever be is the being consciousness. And then you have even four layers above that, but for now, it's not for this world yet. It will develop, but it's not for this world yet, but these three are accessible.

But when you get to the being consciousness, you understand andyou let everything just.

 just be.

Yeah, you let everything just be. So good and bad. So duality starts to cease in existence. You understand that duality is not part of you anymore. Part of everyone else, but not of you anymore. And then a whole different way of living, will come to being.But that is for a few. Because then your time in the world, your way in the world is so different.

if you would just jump to that part, many things would not work anymore. So this is the transition time, but the I consciousness is the first step and we as humanity are ready for the I consciousness.

And fromthe I consciousness the necessity, but also the longing and the knowing for the we consciousness comes to existence because when I am, I and you are, I, we become, we. So we intertwine and that we make steps to the being consciousness

 almost like the cliche, you first have to love yourself before you can love another. But this refers to being connected to you. And if everyone does that, then the we emerges. And could you maybe reflect, because you, you're telling so many interesting things. To slow down and take steps back a bit.

Yes good. Just ask me.

 Because you're going fast. Even though I'm a fast thinker as well. I was wondering with the I and the unity you were referring to, I think it might get, for me at least mixed up with ego because I also has almost like a negative connotation, but you talk about the I consciousness in, in a, in a, well, let's not, we're going into duality with positive negative, but in a way, in a positive way that I consciousness helps you to develop your own unity, your own uniqueness.But maybe you can reflect a bit on how I consciousness is different from ego or maybe it's not, but that's

Well, it is actually it is because the ego is the one that judges. It judges you and it judges the world always. And there's always a good and bad. This is how the ego works, but with the I consciousness that disappears. So you, you are present and you see. And there it ends. And with the ego, you are sometimes present.You see, you judge instantly. So most of the times, you're not, you're not, you're not even present. You don't even,start judging instantly. then afterwards you think, where did that come from?

And with the I consciousness,: it's not there anymore. There's another thing I always use out of the Course of Miracles is that you start looking at the objects in your room.

And first you do it very quickly, because we have the tendency when we see something, we name it. This is the ego already. We name it. Because until the age of three It's notnot present because then slowly, it's interest because when, you know, because you just have a child. In the beginning, when you just had your son you were in the being consciousness, remember?

You were high.

Yes, I was. 

And you were like, whoa. And and slowly you came back because. Yeah, you, if you would have stayed there, you could not have functioned in

No, no, no. Not in this society. So, uh.

uh, now I forgot the thread of the, of the,

You were looking, and you were labeling

Oh yeah, yeah,

And you were talking about the three year old. 

So. When you do this thing, when you look around and you do it very quickly, there's no time to give it names. And then slowly you start doing it, more slow, more slow, more slow. And then you stay with a certain object and you just look at it. But your mind and your ego wants to, wants to say something, wants to say something, but you just, every time you keep looking at it, you keep looking at it. And when you do that, hen the whole body relaxes.But also the thing is, you really see. You truly see.

Then you're in the I.

You suddenly feel that time dissolves.


You're in timeless spacelessness in a way. The hurry gets out. 

And because the ego is always wanting or doing something, it doesn't want you to sit still. And even when you sit still it feeds you with all those ideas, you know, like the crazy thoughts you have, like, what did, what?What is that? You know? But in the I consciousness,

the space of

This is the first feeling of the being consciousness, the space, the timelessness, the endlessness. And um, yeah, like that.

Of timelessness and endlessness.because we're getting into the space of timelessness. Yeah, yeah. Andfeel also like a nice slowing.

Yeah. So when you're with, oh, 1111, when you're with someone and you truly connect, then this happens and the world disappears. So the Q'eros they say your spiritual partner, your Yanantin, they pronounce it differently, but this is the way I pronounce it, is your spiritual partner.And when you meet this person, you come into this space and everything dissolves and you and the other are the only ones that exist.

But we forget that this is always a possibility. It is everywhere. So now that you and I are sitting at this table and we connect and talk about this subject, it is.So every time when you're with someone, try to truly be present. Listen to the other. See the other. Because then you take yourself to the I consciousness and you invite the other person to come to the same place.

Then you emerge together into the we consciousness or in the being consciousness? 

Well, you, you make steps to both. It depends you know? It depends, how much you can surrender, the ego is the one that exists only because we are not capable of surrendering ourselves to whatever is happening into our lives. The we consciousness is what I feel in the world, that's why I said in the beginning that we are the closest to peace than we have ever been, I don't know if some people would, no, that's for another time, has to do with the fact that we, we know that the we consciousness is in our grasp.

I also feel that the we consciousness in a way is love, because there's connection. In the I consciousness there's connection to yourself, in the we it's love, and then in the being consciousness it's even beyond love in a way,

Yes, it's beyond everything in a way. Beyond everything,

Almost like things can get birthed or there can be these sparks or these bubbles to start a new tread in life or

And communities. In the we consciousness you start the communities.I don't know if we create in the we consciousness. I believe we create in the being consciousness. And when people have insights, it's the being consciousness opening up.

Yesterday, someone told me a story which has a connection with this. She said most artists, when they, uh, she said Dali or others, like great artists, when they wanted to make their paintings or whatever they did, they went to sleep and then they would hold, keys in their hand. And then the moment I was talking about, when you wake up, just before you wake up, you have those insights, the connection with the being, actually, the things you need to, hear or feel or understand, and then the keys fall, and then they wake up, and then they grasp the image or something, or the idea, When the layer is thin.

And you also have new inventions. Most of the times you have three places in the world where they pop up. And it is, then the layer was dun, was very thin. Dun is a Dutch word, thin. With this person and the being consciousness. And then it's just dropped. And. So the we consciousness has to do with connection and the being consciousness is the one where everything is and nothing is at all.

Almost like the oneness is more in the beingness, and there's still some unity in we consciousness, or?

I don't know, I don't know if the being consciousness is the oneness, the being consciousness cannot be named in a way, cannot be named, because then we would put it in a box in a way.

Boundaries in a way, well it's the endless space,

Endless space, if we have to give it a name, it's endless space. It's endless. It's endless. We still don't understand space at all because it just keeps on going and when we think about it, we're like, we, we just, we get lost because we are used to that things has an end. Everything has an end, has a borderhas something.

The spirits tell me in the we consciousness you will let go of the borders. So that's why I say that we are the closest to peace we have ever been. In all human history, in all the civilizations that even came before us, you know, there were times of peace on this planet and still,the way, the things we are moving now towards is something totally new

And the we consciousness can only come to existence if the I consciousness is present in the people that are around.

And with everything that is happening in the world right now, it's asking ourselves just to turn inwards and be this I consciousness. And from that, we can see

Not label.

Not label.With the labeling, it goes wrong, because then comes emotion, then comes idea, but seeing it is already acknowledging that it is here, now. Because then people would say, yeah, but there are awful things happening and all those people are dying and said, yes, this is true. But I don't say that it is not true, but if I get into it with a feeling of how awful and things like that, it doesn't help the people. It doesn't change it,

But when I am here and observe it, I acknowledge its existence, then something changes. the reason that it exists in this world has to do with where we are, every one of us. inside ourselves. How many thoughts do you have that are undermining you as a person? the shadows you don't want to see, don't want to feel?

With that you never embrace your own light. Because as long as we are not all in the I consciousness, we are in duality. Because in the I consciousness duality disappears. 

I also want to share with the listeners who are not present physically in this room that you also make these nice hand gestures where you have to go inwards, which is really your hand moving inwards which I think in a way makes sense because it's in the word inwards, but I'll, I'm not sure if it's true what I'm gonna tell, but so please correct me if I'm wrong,

That by being in your I conscious, you have to.withdraw in a way, not in a negative way, but in a good way to connect to yourself, and then you made this outward movement with your hands, almost like that the wind is blowing in your back to help you through life. So it's the paradox of moving inwards to move forward, and it's this gentle Things go more in flow once you Well, you know, where I'm heading to, but maybe you can put it in your own words.

Yeah, but they in a way, really,help with what you're saying. It's really an additional language,

maybe one day we're going to do like,

a YouTube.



But it is, it is true. So you take, and it has to do with that, actually you take the energy inside of you because when the ego is present in our, in your life, and for most of us, it is even in mine, you know, you get trapped by it many times. But when you notice it, you take the energy out of the world. So you take the energy of yourself that is in your work with your children, thinking, okay, how much time do we have all those things, you know? And when you, when you realize that, then you take it back towards yourself. And I always.

Do all these movements that from the hand this far away, and I push the hand toward myself. I do that many times also for myself. I just say, okay, I'm gonna take my energy back towards myself, towards myself, and then I can, I see if I can feel myself again, feel centered. And most of the time I put my hand on my chest bone because that is the place where I feel most concentrated in a way

present again,

And when I do feel present I can, then from this space, I look to the world again and then

oving. Yeah, that's what I wanted to say. It's not that the energy is going outwards again.It's like you're whole and you can move.

Yeah, it's funny.

Yeah, this is

Yes. You can start living in a way. Really

this is really living, it's good that you say that, because this is true, because this is really living, we are not living our lives, we are caged.

and scattered.

And scattered. Oh, definitely scattered. But then we are scattered and caged in allHa ha ha. You see all those little boxes, right? Ha ha ha.

You see all those little boxes, we're scattered and caged everywhere. So sometimes people come to my practice and they want a certain treatment and then I look at them and like, Oh my God, what do I need to do? And then the spirits tell me it's going to be fine. We're here. I said, okay, thank you.

And then you're just going to pick the pieces, pick them back, take them back. And the one thing I almost always do if someone is, if they can receive it is in the end, I take their feet and when they can, I take them to the being

I always do that. And then afterwards they tell me and they say what was that?Where was I? It felt so peaceful and so I don't know I cannot describe it. And they always make this movement like they put their arms aside that they become wider. This is what the Being Consciousness is. It makes you wider. And, uh, yeah.

Anouk: Not that it's can never not be there, but then you are aware of it, this space,

Nathalie: Then you feel the energy of it.

and it's true. After a session with you, I feel more. me again, and more less scattered. yes,

And I asked the spirit once why I was doing this work the way I do it now. And they said, you bring the people back to their hart and then they know who they are again. Yeah. This is part of the workof in the heart of being and Anoek, always said to me more people should know about this. You told me

more people should know about this and that's also one of the reasons that we started

the podcast?

in the heart of being.
