In the Heart of Being

A Journey of the Soul, The Inner Calling

Nathalie Nevali

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The one who has decided that this life is  worthwhile  To experience a new life on this amazingly beautiful planet. Our soul guides over and over again to new opportunities of growth and expansion. It gives us insight,  it gives us knowledge, it can give us freedom.
But only if you choose it to be,  it will never force itself upon us,

As we learn to ride the waves between good and bad, drama and joy.
We enrich our soul with everything we do ....

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Today, Disha and I are going to talk about the soul. Most people talk about the soul and they use it like very easily. But we were talking about it and said but do we even know what it means? We use it like something like we take a cup of coffee in a way, 

Because my soul really wants that. I want to know what my soul's purpose is. Actually, the soul. Doesn't think like that at all, but the soul is something that is bigger than our identity in this life So I am not Nathalie Disha is Disha, but That is our identity. And the soul is something that is in a way, I call it overshadowing us.

It's the one that gives the urges. It's the one that gives the dreams. It's the one that makes you walk a different path, shows you a different way. It's the one that wants to be alive, because as a continuum of wisdom and knowledge and energy and light, without a body, it's just a cloud. We have the cloud now, we take everything in the cloud.

And you could say like the soul is a certain way, is a certain cloud and we just put it in a cloud and that in the cloud and we don't even know what's in the cloud anymore. We got distracted. So we try to get something out of the cloud and sometimes it's very difficult to get it out because we don't know where we had put it in a way the soul works the same.

And that has to do with how much in tune you are with who you. With your true sense of you, which means when I talk, the part of Nathalie is the one that is moved aside. So the soul in me is the one that is doing these episodes. And sometimes you use experience of the life of Natalie or the life of Disha or other people just to make it understand.

But when our soul is talking or gets its presence in our lives, it also gives you a different feeling. In a way, you become lighter and taller. 

You become less self aware

 Yeah. So it is the way I could describe it is like, um, I am in the middle and I see so presence is a way to get in touch with this part of you.

You know, it sounds like this creative force, this flow of energy, so to speak, which When you put aside your form identity, Nathalie, Disha, aside, and then it flows so much so when we say that we are doing something, we are in the moment, in the zone, that we do not connect to our physical side identity anymore. I don't know. . 

It's not like when we are in the zone, because most of the people, when they are in the zone, they tune out. So that's a different thing. They get like this blank, way of looking in a way they cannot see, they get totally absorbed by it.

But when the soul gets true more and more, the thoughts become less and they say the words become more prominent, which means that in a way they are more true. The interference gets less and less because the identity in a way dissolves more and more and more. And I believe that as humans in this day and age we live in, this is where we are going.

We are shading our identity. And in the other episode, when I talked about the road that the spirit said the easiest way is that you would see the beginning and the ends and we are transforming as humans. So we becoming actually the enlightened beings we have always been.

But we all want to be in this life to feel how it is to have this body, to feel how it is to have an identity, because the soul is just consciousness. It's a field of knowledge and of experiences, but experience without a body. It's so different. It likes this connection in a way. And even that it is, and likes is not a good word for the soul because it doesn't have those kind of, words or feelings, but , by connecting to a body in a way it can sense the sensations it brings,

It becomes aware of itself.

I would say no. I had to think about it for some time. I would say no, I don't think it becomes aware of itself. Because when that does it identifies. Even that we all have a certain soul part, this soul part is always connected to everything that is. 

That's what I meant. And that when the soul, when you talk about that, the reason we experience in the physical form, our experiences is for the soul to sort of become aware of itself as a part of. The one consciousness, 

 I never believe that the soul becomes aware of itself because the soul is a presence and to become aware of yourself means you need to have an identity. 

And is it through the form identity that we realize that we are not an identity? 

No, they say, no, because The identity is the one that is making room for the soul and the soul is the one that is expanding the experience without identity.

So the image that comes in my mind right now is that the soul has this energetic manifestation is in a physical form, a body. But when it starts to expand, the physical body can be very restrictive for that expansion. 

Well, that's not true actually. No, that's not true. Because the most interesting thing is when the soul gets more. In a way, more hold of the body is the body is used, but the experience is totally different. 

Oh can you explain that a little bit more? 

Because it feels like you can move freely through the whole body. And it is like, now we see like I'm touching my leg. I see there's a leg, but you don't experience it like that anymore.

It's energy. This is when the soul is more present, it becomes more and more present. You, I would say that you become the field and the body is in the field. And I always say when people are becoming very fearful, the field is becoming smaller than the body. And then a lot of things happen.

And with this when the soul gets more space actually is expanding and expanding, it is, , taking inside the body, the energy, but also outside. And it means, , in a way you are light, you are energy, and you are wide, yeah, this is how they show me I wish if, I want to make you feel it, how it feels, but for me it is like There is no me, , there is, waves, there is energy and even that is not.

So it is expansion, it is expansion and expansion. This is what you feel. So the body is something that you can use, but it's not something that holds you back anymore. And when the identity is here. It's the other way around. The body is always the one that is holding you back. 

Yeah, it makes me just want to reverse the whole process in the first place then.

But that's actually where we are going. This is where we are going. We are going to change it because we have learned in a way what identity is, how it is to be in a way trapped in the body. And now that we have learned this, we will turn it around again, how It will be to be like this expansion of consciousness using this energy field of what we call the body.

But then it becomes like you're traveling inside when as a child you had like this French, series for children. with this man with this long beard. And, and it was about the body. And he would, explain how it would work if you would get a virus or something like that.

And I thought it's very nice to see. And even when I was older if I would see it, I would always watch it because then they would go inside the body and with a little plane and they want to go into the blood flow and then you had the virus and they had these long teeth and they were fighting and it was really funny to see.

But in a way, when the soul enters the body more and more, it's not that you have to fight anymore, but you just flow, you flow all the way from the top to the bottom. And when that becomes more prominent, actually, then the total sense of body is gone.. 

It sounds like we all need to develop that presence as an everyday, something to do. Do you have, some suggestions on what we can do physical, like an act or something which helps us to develop this presence?

So I sometimes give this example to one of my clients. I said, you remember when you were on Google Maps and you need to go where, and you have this little arrow says you are here.

Yeah. I said, are you truly here? So sometimes you need to remind yourself that I get everything is ever so okay, wait a second, where am I? And the moment you do, you're here. So it just asks you every time, where am I? Am I in my thoughts? Am I in the thing I am doing? Where am I? It was interesting because I was thinking about something I want to do with consciousness.

This program I am thinking about and one of the first stages in this program is the I consciousness. And this is what we are talking about. To get to the presence, you get to the I consciousness. And the I consciousness , is we make fun about a bit the Google maps, but actually it's what it is about because our mind is scattered all over the place.

Most of the time, you don't even know where we are, so you check in with yourself, you check in with yourself. And when you do that more often, you stay much more present because it's something that becomes more natural. And you will notice when you do this, you say, okay, where am I? Oh, okay. I'm here.

Your body relaxes, your body relaxes, and for a moment there is stillness. And the more you do that everywhere you are, even when you, you are working with your children, you can also do that and say, okay, you can go totally into what they are doing. You said, okay, I am here and they are there. So the next stage in this development is the we consciousness, but that's for another time.

First we need to get to this I consciousness because this I consciousness opens the door for our soul. Because our soul needs our presence. And when we are not present, we are puppets of this world. And we believe everything what comes up into our mind, what we see, what we hear. But when we take a step back, and this is actually what you do, and sometimes even if that is difficult to say, okay, where am I, where am I?

You take a step back in a way, physically, you take just a step back. You say, okay, I'm stepping back into myself. Okay, here I am. And then you're gone, but it is, it has to do with reminding yourself every time, every day for some time. And then slowly it becomes less and less that you have to remind yourself because you will feel that you are here in this presence.

And the feeling I have when I am and in this spot actually is that I can breathe. I can breathe. And everything that was disturbing me in a way. It really does not matter at all. And sometimes when I get really distracted, I, and not everyone likes that, but , I do my, I go sit and do my meditation. And the thing I do is sometimes I, like there is chaos, I say, okay, let's feel, let's see if I can go back to the chest bone.

And then I put my hand on the chest bone. And sometimes when it's really hard, I just tapped it, it has nothing to do with that. You have to sit in silence. Just know you need to get back. That's the way you need to get back. And some do it by, , they sit in silence and they find their way. And sometimes it doesn't work like that.

You put your hand or you tap just to make this connection because when the soul is becoming more radiant inside you, some people say I don't know what this person is like. It's like radiating light or something. And this comes from the chest bone out actually, and then it's like this donut that comes all around the body and yeah, so that are ways just to get you back.

That's beautiful. There's a version of what you just explained. I practice is, I sometimes focus on if I feel there is a body pain somewhere and I'm ignoring it and I'll take that quiet moment to just sit and focus on that part. An inner awareness to bring that inner awareness to that. And when I try to do that, it's very hard to begin with, but, then it flows it flows. 

I used to have a yoga teacher and she would always say, you take your breath to it when you feel this unease in your body. And I tried for some time.

I don't know. A couple of years ago, I did another course and this man said, it's like when you feel the pain in your big toe, it's like the toe is breathing and thought, Oh, that I can do. So sometimes it's the same message. It's the same message, but he explained it in such a, and this works for me, a physical way that I said, Oh, I see my toe breathing.

I see my toe breathing and I could work with that and it is when we put our awareness into something, the more, if you have unease in your body or unease in your life, the more resistance we feel, the bigger the growth. And this is also part of the soul because the soul Came just to experience through your identity ?

And so it throws things on your path. And you're like, what? No, I don't want this. Why is this happening to me? They answered me. My spirits answered me and said, because you always forget who you are. You always, and then for a time you find it and you're in this peaceful thing, and then you let yourself be distracted again.

So in the end, no matter what in our lives, if it is on our path towards, to reach a certain consciousness, things will be thrown at you until you learn. Yeah. I'm not a fan of learning. That's, why they talk about, well, I, I like to evolve, , 

But don't you think if I imagine if it was all smooth sailing, no, , I don't want that. That would be so boring. 

It would be definitely boring. Some people sometimes they tell me like, but we're going to this new phase and we don't have any emotions again and say, well, I've come, I say, enjoy it. And yeah, enjoy it because imagine if everything would be like very peaceful, then we can even know what it'd be like to have anger or fear or sadness or happiness or stuff like that because It would be very monotone flat.

Yeah, flat. And, and the soul, , this part of consciousness did choose Disha and me and all of you because yeah, they wanted to experience how it would be to have your emotions. I cannot experience it directly, but indirectly it does, it can sense the sensations in a way.

And when it is time. The emotions will become less and less. And then you become this consciousness. You become this awareness.

They said, Oh, there's also a reason why you sometimes step out of it. I say, yes, I do. . Because, there will be a long enough time that we can be that, but, Natalie also came to experience this world like Disha did and all of you. And, , 

But then in a way it's fun to enjoy the drama.

It is. And it is drama if we see it as drama. Yeah. And most times we do. We do and say, why is this always happening to me? Well, because the soul wants you. In a certain place to overcome the limitlessness you have attached to yourself. 

So can you discuss then perhaps how can we have a better relationship with our soul?

Acknowledge my existence, it says, acknowledge my existence, that in a way, we are bound to each other until this body and yours, decides that it is enough. And sometimes the soul decides, depends on, the steps you make in your life. But it has to do with acknowledging that the soul has granted you life because it did.

Without the soul, I would not be here. And, , a long time ago you had this, exposition in, one of the musea in the Netherlands and it was about the dead. And the practices all over the world and , I really wanted to go to a set. Do you want to go there and say, yeah, I'm, I want to know how all people all over the world experience this way, this end of life and what comes next.

And then there was this photo photographer and he made pictures of elderly, , alive and when they just died and it was so to see that next to each other. And I don't know if you, probably you have, but when you know someone, when they are alive and they die and you see their face, nothing is left. 

No, you don't recognize that. You don't recognize that. Because that person is not there. He's gone. 

He's gone. He's really gone. So the soul left the body. So without the soul, there's no life. And when the soul enters your body more and more, you sometimes feel like you're a giant. Yeah. You sometimes feel like you're a giant.

And, it is, in a way it is like that, that we are very tiny women. So it's very funny to feel that, like a giant. And the only way, to make you. Feel and understand the way it is to acknowledge this part of you So that you can also feel like this giant and it has nothing to do with being big or Amazing or stuff like that because those things do not exist in this part of awareness this part of consciousness And it is the part that oh, there is so much knowledge here if you're a person that loves to experience you can experience for a while and we do in this world, but experience as an identity, a person, the world of the soul.

Yeah. The image that comes to my mind when you were describing this is that, when we acknowledge the presence of the soul that we all have our own, it's. Almost like then the victim ness and the blaming for how events happen in our life, we think it's happening to us. And then it turns from that to a place where, okay, maybe this is what my soul wants to experience.

So it's in service to the experience that The soul wants, so let's go through that. So then it becomes more of a playful exercise in experiencing life. Yeah. 

And this is exactly what it is about that, if we tell ourselves, why is all of this happening, then you will feel miserable. But when something happens again and again, I say, okay. This is interesting. What would actually be the meaning of this? It's a whole different. And still, then you are still identifying with it. But you already start to turn it around because we are very used at labeling the events happening in our lives as good and bad.

And most of the times you are labeling them as bad, , and then you say, okay, it's interesting. Why? Why would that happen? Time after time. So, okay, well, if this is what it needs to be in my life, I can't be upset about it, but I just can't let it be. I just can't let it be and then, yeah, maybe it will be with me for the rest of my life. I don't know. Maybe not. But this is it. And when we acknowledge that, they say the lesson is learned, actually. 

The lesson is learned. 

But it's not something we can do with the mind. Because now I hear a lot of you think, Okay, , I just need to say. That's not how it works. . I already told in one of the episodes that, a couple of years ago, a lot of things happened.

I got a burnout and, my father died and I was broke and, stuff like that. Nothing was there. It was a very black part. And then one, and I was fighting against it , a lot. And then one day I just got this insight and I thought, you know what, maybe this is what it's going to be for the rest of my life.

And then I went for a cup of coffee. And I forget about it. And then things started moving. And then later in my life, if things would be bad, I tried to do it again, but it doesn't work like that. Because it really asks you to surrender to what is not with, , to the extent that you can change it because you surrender to it, but say, okay, this is what is, what it is in my life. This is apparently what it needs to be right now.

So, can I ask you, when we talk about surrendering to the soul, and then also experiencing, the events that happen in our life as something that our soul desires and wants to experience, what is operating at that level, like, when we surrender? And we are, what is the emotion that we are feeling, how do we surrender that?

It's what they show me is do you, in a way you take yourself out for a second, you lift yourself for a second and then, it's like , this parachute in a way you lift yourself and you're still attached to it, but by lifting it. You clear the veil, they say, which means you surrender to whatever is at that moment because you're still attached to it, but you're not in it anymore.

And most of the times when we are saying, why is this happening to me? You are in it and you cannot surrender it. 

And when the soul is experiencing it, its experience does not destroy it.

No, you could see like the soul as an observer in a way, and not one that intervenes. But it will never force you into anything because those energies don't exist there, they just show it. 

The thing is, when acknowledgment to the soul and your connection to it becomes more clear actually, the channel becomes more open, surrendering becomes easier because the identity is dissolving. So then it's not like the soul is making it, it makes it happen. The identity is the one that makes it happen by knowing. It's time is up

Next time me and Disha will talk about being on the road the journey We all undertake as humans from the day We are born when we look at our lives at the past at the things that we have been through We can see pieces of who we are And sometimes also pieces that got lost in the past.

Being on the road means that everything flows with us. And the spirits always tell me that life should be easy. But for most of us, life can sometimes be a bit hard. More about that in our next episode.